A bunion is a painful bony bump that develops on the inside of the foot at the big toe joint. Bunions are often referred to as hallux valgus.
Bunions develop slowly. Pressure on the big toe joint causes the big toe to lean toward the second toe. Over time, the normal structure of the bone changes, resulting in the bunion bump. This deformity will gradually increase and may make it painful to wear shoes or walk. The skin over the bunion might be red and sore.
Anyone can get a bunion, but they are more common in women. Many women wear tight, narrow shoes that squeeze the toes together—which makes it more likely for a bunion to develop, worsen and cause painful symptoms. Bunions can also develop as an inherited structural defect, stress on the foot or a medical condition , such as arthritis.
There are many theories about how bunions develop, but the exact cause is unknown. Factors likely include:
· Inherited foot type
· Foot injuries
· Deformities present at birth (congenital)
Experts disagree on whether tight, high-heeled or too-narrow shoes cause bunions or whether footwear simply contributes to bunion development.
Bunions might be associated with certain types of arthritis, particularly inflammatory types, such as rheumatoid arthritis
The signs and symptoms of a bunion include:
· A bulging bump on the outside of the base of your big toe
· Swelling, redness or soreness around your big toe joint
· Corns or calluses — these often develop where the first and second toes overlap
· Persistent or intermittent pain
· Restricted movement of your big toe if arthritis affects the toe
Risk factors
These factors might increase your risk of bunions:
High heels. Wearing high heels forces your toes into the front of your shoes, often crowding your toes.
Ill-fitting shoes. People who wear shoes that are too tight, too narrow or too pointed are more susceptible to bunions.
Rheumatoid arthritis. Having this inflammatory condition can make you more susceptible to bunions.
Heredity. The tendency to develop bunions might be because of an inherited structural foot defect.
Possible complications include:
Bursitis. This painful condition occurs when the small fluid-filled pads (bursae) that cushion bones, tendons and muscles near your joints become inflamed.
Hammertoe. An abnormal bend that occurs in the middle joint of a toe, usually the toe next to your big toe, can cause pain and pressure.
Metatarsalgia. This condition causes pain and inflammation in the ball of your foot.
Hooeopathic remedies effective for the treatment of Bunion. Some of the important remedies are given below
BENZOIC ACID 30---- An important remedy for bunion. Tearing pain in big toe. Urinary symptom is very important for the selection of this remedy.The urine is hot , dark brown, offensive, similar to horse’s urine.
RHODODENDRON 30—Bunion with gout. Swelling and tearing pain. Worse from rest..Cannot sleep unless legs are crossed. Pain in Achilles tendon on stepping.
HYPERICUM PERF. 3x—Bunion with tingling and burning pain. Joints feel bruised.
The best way to reduce the chances of developing bunions is to wear shoes that fit properly. Shoes that are too tight or have high heels can force your toes together.
Make sure your shoes are the correct size and that there is enough space to move your toes freely.
It is best to avoid wearing shoes with high heels or pointy toes
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