Dermatofibromas are small, noncancerous ( benign ) skin growths that can develop anywhere on the body but most often appear on the legs, upper arms or upper back. They may occur at any age , but are seen more in adults . particularly females.They are rare in children.They can be pink, gray, red or brown and may change colur over the years.They are firm and often feel like a stone under the skin. When pinched from the sides , the top of the growth may dimple inward.
Dermatofifromas are usually painless , but some people experience tenderness or itching. Most often a single nodule develops , but some people can develop many dermatofibromas. They rarely grow larger than a half –inch in diameter. They do not change in size.The cause of dermatofibromas is unknown.
Occasionally dermatofibromas found in large numbers in grouped or linear clusters are seen in association with immune disturbances, such as leukemia, HIV, and lupus.

Dermatofibromas usually develop slowly . These small, hard, raised skin growths
·         Usually appear on the lower legs, but may appear on the arms or trunk
·         May be red, pink, purplish, gray or brown and may change colur over time
·         May be as small as BB pellet but rarely but rarely grow larger than a fingernail. Size varies from 0.5 -1.5 cm diameter, most lesions are 7-8 mm diameter
·         Are often painless but may be tender , painful or itch
·         Usually dimple inward when pinched.
·         People may have one or 15 lesions
·         They are firm nodules tethered to the skin surface and mobile over subcutaneous tissue

Because they are often raised lesions , they may be traumatized , for example by a razor.Occasionally dozens may erupt within a few minutes, usually in the setting of immunosuppression, for example autoimmune disease, cancer or certain medications.
Dermatofibroma does not give rise to cancer. However , occasionally , it may be mistaken for dermatofibrosarcoma  or desmoplastic melanoma.

Dermatofibroma is usually easy to diagnose clinically , supported by dermatoscopy. The most common dermatoscopic pattern is a central white area surrounded by faint pigment network

Homoeopathy today is a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world.Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. When dermatofibromas   is concerned there are many effective medicines are available in Homoeopathy, but the selection depends upon the individuality of the patient, considering the mental and physical symptoms.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200-Thuja occ is an effective remedy for treating any abnormal growth originating in the body. Thuja possesses a powerful ability to dissolve these unwanted growths.

CALCREA CARB 200-Calcarea carb is one of the top medicines for dermatofibromas in obese persons. There people are very sensitive to cold air, catch cold very easily. They have a special craving for boiled eggs and indigestible things like chalk and lime. There is a tendency to profuse sweating, especially the head.

CALCAREA FLOUR. 30- Calcarea flour is prescribed when the dermatofibromas are hard and stony.

LAPIS ALBUS 30- Lapis albus is another effective remedy for dermatofibromas with pliability and elasticity . There is enlargement and induration of  glands especially cervical glands.

BELLADONNA 30-Belladonna is effective when dermatofibromas are painful. The pain may worsen when touching it. Belladonna give relief to the pain and also helps for dissolving it.

SILICEA 200-Silicea is indicated when the dermatofibromas has a suppurative nature. The skin is pale, delicate and waxy.

SULPHUR 200- Sulphur is excellent for dermatofibromas with itching  and burning. Along with this constitutional symptoms like –hot sensation in the body, The skin is dry and looks dirty, aversion to bathing, craving for sugar etc are occurs.


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