Edema is swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in your body's tissues. Although edema can affect any part of your body, it's most commonly noticed in the hands, arms, feet, ankles and legs.
Edema can be the result of medication, pregnancy or an underlying disease — often heart failure, kidney disease or cirrhosis of the liver.
Taking medication to remove excess fluid and reducing the amount of salt in your food often relieves edema. When edema is a sign of an underlying disease, the disease itself requires separate treatment.
Causes-- Edema occurs when tiny blood vessels in your body (capillaries) leak fluid. The fluid builds up in surrounding tissues, leading to swelling.
Mild cases of edema may result from:
·         Sitting or staying in one position for too long
·         Eating too much salty food
·         Premenstrual signs and symptoms
·         Pregnancy
Edema can be a side effect of some medications, including:
·         High blood pressure medications
·         Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
·         Steroid drugs
·         Estrogens
·         Certain diabetes medications called thiazolidinediones
In some cases, however, edema may be a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition. Diseases and conditions that may cause edema include:
Congestive heart failure. When one or both of your heart's lower chambers lose their ability to pump blood effectively — as happens in congestive heart failure — the blood can back up in your legs, ankles and feet, causing edema. Heart failure can also cause swelling in your abdomen. Sometimes it can cause fluid to accumulate in your lungs (pulmonary edema), which can lead to shortness of breath.
Cirrhosis. Fluid may accumulate in your abdominal cavity (ascites) and in your legs as a result of liver damage (cirrhosis).
Kidney disease. When you have kidney disease, extra fluid and sodium in your circulation may cause edema. The edema associated with kidney disease usually occurs in your legs and around your eyes.
Kidney damage. Damage to the tiny, filtering blood vessels in your kidneys can result in nephrotic syndrome. In nephrotic syndrome, declining levels of protein (albumin) in your blood can lead to fluid accumulation and edema.
Weakness or damage to veins in your legs. Chronic venous insufficiency, in which the one-way valves in your leg veins are weakened or damaged, allows blood to pool in the leg veins and cause swelling. Abrupt onset of swelling in one leg accompanied by pain in your calf can be due to a clot in one of your leg veins. Seek medical help promptly.
Inadequate lymphatic system. Your body's lymphatic system helps clear excess fluid from tissues. If this system is damaged — for example, by cancer surgery — the lymph nodes and lymph vessels draining an area may not work correctly and edema results.

Symptoms-- Signs and symptoms of edema include:
·         Swelling or puffiness of the tissue directly under your skin
·         Stretched or shiny skin
·         Skin that retains a dimple after being pressed for several seconds
·         Increased abdominal size

Risk factors-- Due to the fluid needed by the fetus and placenta, a pregnant woman's body retains more sodium and water than usual, increasing the risk of edema.
Your risk of edema may be increased if you take certain medications, including:
·         High blood pressure medications
·         Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
·         Steroid drugs
·         Estrogens
·         Certain diabetes medications called thiazolidinediones
If you have a chronic illness such as heart failure, liver or kidney disease, your risk of edema increases, as well
Complications-- If left untreated, edema can cause:
·         Increasingly painful swelling
·         Difficulty walking
·         Stiffness
·         Stretched skin, which can become itchy and uncomfortable
·         Increased risk of infection in the swollen area
·         Scarring between layers of tissue
·         Decreased blood circulation
·         Decreased elasticity of arteries, veins, joints and muscles
·         Increased risk of skin ulcers

Homoeopathic remedies are found to be very effective for edema of various causes. Treat with homoeopathic medicines safely without ant side effects. Some of the important remedies are given below --

APIS MELLIFICA 30-Apis mel is one of the top remedies for edema . Apis mel is indicated when puffy swelling develops below the eyes or in the extremities. The affected parts are rosy red in colour and having a stinging pain. It is also indicated for edema of lower lips. Apis mel patient is thirstless and having an irritable nature.The patient is better from cold or cold applications and worse from warmth and warmth  applications.

APOCYNUM CANABINUM 30-Apocynum can . is an effective remedy for edema and it is prescribed when edema with scanty urine and great thirst is present.It is also prescribed when edema occurs during menses. This drug is useful for swelling anywhere of dropsical origin disease.  The special symptoms calling for it are a gone feeling at the pit of the stomach, cannot tolerate food, great thirst, but drinking causes distress,irregular heart, torpidity and slow pulse.

ARSENIC ALBUM 30—Arsenic alb suitable in all forms of dropsy, particularly in those depending on disorders of the heart, kidney and lungs. There is puffiness of the face with oedema about the eyelids. The skin is  waxy  and transparent, thirst, vomiting, are also seen

ACETIC ACID 30-Acetic acid is best for edema of lower limbs and abdomen.   There is thirst, sour belching, water brash and diarrhea, a broken down constitution.There is great debility and profuse  sweating.

DIGITALIS PURPUREA 30- Digitalis purpurea is indicated for cardiac dropsies. There is  feeble irregular heart, feeling as if it should still with desire to take a deep breath. The urine is  scanty and  dark.  The pulse is slow pulse.  The scrotum and penis swollen

HELLEBORUS NIGER 30—Helleborus niger  is a very useful remedy in many forms of drops, especially in general anasarca, ascites, post scarlatinal dropsies etc . There is a jelly-like diarrhea, urine dark and scanty. There is great debility.It is best for hydrocephalus

LACHESIS 200- Lachesis is an effective remedy for dropsy where  urine  is dark and albuminous. The skin is  dark  or bluish white. Hydrothorax with suffocative fits after scarlet fever may indicate the remedy

CALCAREA CARB 30- Calcarea carb is effective when edema develops in the lower extremities , especially around the knees.The symptoms can be worse unless the legs are supported. There is great weakness which is worse from exertion. Hands and feet are often cold and clammy.The person is fatty and overweight

FERRUM METALLICUM 30—Ferrum met. is best for edema due to fluid loss.The person is weak and anemic, although they may look robust to others-being sturdily built with a face that flushes easily

BOVISTA 30- Bovista is indicated when puffiness can be seen in various parts of the body. The person may feel awkward and even drops things because the hands feel weak and numb. Bovista is often helpful to woman with water retention around the time of menstrual period , especially if diarrhea also occurs

AURUM METALLICUM 30-- Aurum metallicum is prescribed for edema when it is due to liver and spleen diseases. There is dropsical swelling with albuminuria.

BRYONIA ALB 30- Bryonia is prescribed when swelling of the legs occurs during pregnancy.

CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS 30- Cactus is best for swelling of hands and feet with heart complaints.

KALI CARBONICUM 30-Kali carb is best for edema – a bag like swelling above the eyes is a strong indication of this remedy. The feet is sensitive and swelling of the lower extremities are seen. Gently moving around brings some improvement

LEDUM PAL. 30—Ledum pal is indicated for edema of ankles where the ankles swell due to arthritis. The ankles are swollen, hot, tensed, and painful. Warmth worsens the ankle pain , but cold applications are soothing.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 30- Natrum muriaticum is indicated if swelling occurs around the eyes because of allergy or it may also indicated a person develops swollen extremities after exposure to sun. An emotional nature with an outer appearance of reserve is present. There is a craving for salt and marked thirst occurs .The patient feel a tendency to tired or ill from being in the sun

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200- Lycopodium is best for edema with abdominal bloating and digestive problems. There is numbness or heaviness in the extremities , and a feeling of one foot being warm and the other cold. Complaints are worse in the evening . The person have a craving for sweets and warm drinks. Lycopodium patients have an inner lack of confidence

PULSATILLA NIG. 30- Pulsatilla is effective for edema when swelling occurs in the knees, ankles, feet or hands and is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness or weariness , especially it occurs premenstrually or after overindulging in rich foods. Complaints are worse when the extremities are hanging down, worse from warmth, and improved by gentle motion. Pulsatilla persons have a changeable , emotional mood. They are thirstless and tendency to feel better in open air.

PHASEOLUS N. 30-Phaseolus is prescribed when edema due to heart diseases with liver and kidney complications are present. Renal and cardiac dropsies are speedily relieved by this remedy. Urine largely increased in quantity , albumin quickly disappears

EEL SERUM 30- Eel serum is prescribed when edema occurs due to complete failure of kidneys and suppression of urine.

PHOSPHORUS 30- Phosphorus is best for edema due to inflammation of the kidneys or due to anemia. There is edema of the face and eyes.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30—Rhus tox is effective for edema of scrotum, the penis, the vulva and about the mouth.  

TEREBINTH 30- Terebinth is prescribed for dropsical edema in Bright’s disease or inflammation of the kidneys.


AEGLE  MARMELOS Q- Dropsy in any part of the body. There is swelling of the upper  eyelids. Dropsy due to heart diseases or due to beriberi. Dropsy is associated with backache and this is aggravated  in the afternoon

APOCYNUM Q- Dropsy with heart affections and menstrual troubles. Intense thirst but water disagrees in chilly patients

BOERHAAVIA DIFFUSA Q- Swelling of eyelids, legs, feet, abdomen etc. Oliguria. There is palpitation and intermittent throbbing pain in the cardiac region. Dropsy may be due to hepatic lesion , where the hepatic region is tender to touch but better by hard pressure

CALOTROPIS GIGANTEA Q - Dropsy . Frequent urination with strong smelling urine

CEPHALANDRA INDICA Q- Dropsy with large quantities of water accumulation at a time but with dry mouth. Profuse urination with weakness. There may be diabetes mellitus .

CONVALLARIA MAJALIS Q- Dropsy due to sluggish action of heart, dyspnoea, palpitation, scanty urine

CYNADON DACTYLON Q- Dropsy with retention of urine. Anasarca with bilious vomiting and chronic diarrhea. Haemorrhagic symptoms are also present side by side

HYDROCOTYLE ASIATICA Q- Dropsy associated with frequent desire for urination . Urine becomes turbid on standing. There may be cardiac spasm , constriction of heart and irregular beating of heart. Pulse strong full and regular. Dropsy associated with fever , shivering in afternoon

HYGROPHILIA SPINOSA Q- Indicated for anasarca and dropsy. Dropsy associated with hepatic obstruction . Dropsy associated with symptoms of malaria. Dropsy with urticaria

LATHYRUS SATIVA  Q- Dropsy in beriberi

STROPHANTHUS Q- Strophanthus is best for edema due to congestive heart failure. There is dropsical swelling of the extremities occurs

TERMINALIA CHEBULA Q- Dropsy associated with scanty urine. Frequent urination especially at night.

VESICARIA COM. Q- Edema due to complete failure of kidneys


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